Commands & Permissions


General permissions

hyronicfriends.*FALSEAllows the player to access everything of the plugin.
hyronicfriends.mails.size.maximumOPAllows the player to have the maximum number of attached item slots.
hyronicfriends.friends.size.unlimitedOPAllows the player to have an unlimited list of friends.

Command permissions

hyronicfriends.command.*FALSEAllows the player to access all commands of the plugin.
hyronicfriends.command.helpOPAllows the player to view the help page command.
hyronicfriends.command.friendsOPAllows the player to manage their friend list.
hyronicfriends.command.blockOPAllows the player to block (or unblock) a player.
hyronicfriends.command.teleportOPAllows the player to teleport to their friends.
hyronicfriends.command.mailOPAllows the player to send (or read) mail to their friends.
hyronicfriends.command.reloadOPAllows the player to reload the configuration.



We provide you with many commands. Some of them have been shortened, so we’ll split them up into different tables.

General commands

/friend help [page]View the help page command
/friendOpen main menu
/friend toggleToggle receive friend request
/friend notifyTurn on/off your friend online status
/friend add <player>Send a friend request
/friend accept <player>Accept a friend request
/friend decline <player>Decline a friend request
/friend cancel <player>Cancel the sent friend request
/friend listOpen your friend list
/friend reloadReload the configuration
/unfriend <player>Unfriend a player

Blocking commands

/blockedlistOpen your blocked list
/block <player>Block a player
/unblock <player>Unblock a player

Teleport commands

/ftp <player>Teleport to your friend
/toggletp <player>Allow/Disallow your friend to teleport to you

Private message commands

/togglemsg <player>Enable/Disable receiving your friend message
/fmsg <player> <message>Send private message to your friend
/freply <message>Quick reply to the most recent message

Mail commands

/mail helpView the list of mail commands
/mailboxOpen your mailbox
/mail <player>See all mails sent/received to/from a player
/mail send <player> <content>Send mail to your friend
/mail read <player>Read the recently received mail
/togglemail <player>Allow/Disallow your friend to send mail to you