Extra Storage

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Mine more efficiently! Let your players store their mined/picked items! Includes many unique and special features such as filtering, sorting or selling!



This plugin can be used in almost any game modes, but works best in Skyblock and Prison server. Giving each player almost unlimited storage, which can be used to contain the vanilla items. For example, after you have mined any block, instead of being dropped to the ground, it will be automatically picked up into your storage. It also eliminates the lag caused by dropped items.

Core Features

  • Support multiple versions: from 1.16 to the latest version.
  • Support most popular skyblock plugins.
  • Support multiple currency plugins
  • Support multiple marketplaces
  • PlaceholderAPI Supported.
  • HeadDatabase for custom head.
  • ItemsAdder and Oraxen for custom ui texture and items.
  • Very detailed explanation in every configuration files.
  • And a lot more that are not mentioned here.
  • Powerful developer APIs.

Subsections of Extra Storage

Installation Guide


This plugin is now available on these marketplaces as a premium plugin:

You can purchase it on those marketplaces. But we strongly recommend you to purchase on BuiltByBit, because it supports you more payment methods.


  • Java version: 16 or newer
  • Server software: SpigotMC, PaperMC and PurpurMC
  • Server versions: 1.16 to 1.20.1


HeadDatabaseBuy NowPremiumOptional
ShopGUIPlusBuy NowPremiumOptional
ItemsAdderBuy NowPremiumOptional
OraxenBuy NowPremiumOptional
NexoBuy NowPremiumOptional
UltraEconomyBuy NowPremiumOptional
UltimateStackerDownload NowPremiumOptional
VaultDownload NowFreeOptional
PlayerPointsDownload NowFreeOptional
PlaceholderAPIDownload NowFreeOptional
TokenManagerDownload NowFreeOptional
WildStackerDownload NowFreeOptional
EconomyShopGUIDownload NowFreeOptional
BetterEconomyDownload NowFreeOptional
GemEconomyDownload NowFreeOptional

Install steps

It is very simple to install this plugin, just following these steps:

  • Step 1: Stop your server if it is running.
  • Step 2: Download the plugin via marketplaces we have metioned above.
  • Step 3: Copy the jar file you just downloaded (normally named ExtraStorage.jar) to your plugins folder.
  • Step 4: Start your server and enjoy.

Custom UI Texture


Join our Discord to get the custom UI texture.

Commands & Permissions

These commands for players:

Player CommandPermissionDescription
/exstorage helpexstorage.command.player.helpPlayers can see help page.
/exstorage [player]exstorage.command.player.openPlayers can open their storage, or open another player’s storage.
/exstorage toggleexstorage.command.player.togglePlayers can turn on / off the feature if they don’t want to use.
/exstorage filterexstorage.command.player.filterPlayers can open their filter.
/exstorage partner [add/remove/clear][player]exstorage.command.player.partnerPlayers can use the partner feature. Or open a GUI to see who was their partners.
/exstorage sell [%material-key% [amount]]exstorage.command.player.sellPlayers can open the market to sell items that contain in their storage.
/exstorage withdraw %material-key% [amount]exstorage.command.player.withdrawWithdraw items without opening the GUI.

These commands for administrator only:

Admin CommandPermissionDescription
exstorage.*The highest permission.
/esadmin open %player%exstorage.command.admin.openOpen and use another player’s storage without any conditions.
/esadmin space %amount% [player/*]
/esadmin addspace %amount% [player/*]
exstorage.command.admin.spaceChange the maximum space of the player’s storage (* for all of players).
/esadmin add %material-key% %amount% [player]exstorage.command.admin.addAllows the player to add item quantity to the storage.
/esadmin subtract %material-key% %amount% [player]exstorage.command.admin.subtractAllows the player to subtract item quantity to the storage.
/esadmin set %material-key% %amount% [player]exstorage.command.admin.setAllows the player to set their item quantity in the storage.
/exstorage withdraw %material-key% [amount]exstorage.command.player.withdrawWithdraw items without opening the GUI.
/esadmin whitelistexstorage.command.admin.whitelistModify the “Whitelist” section in config.yml in-game. Apply changes immediately when adding/removing an item.
/esadmin reloadexstorage.command.admin.reloadReload the configurations.


Use placeholders to aid in many other features. These placeholders require PlaceholderAPI

%exstorage_space[_formatted]%Displays the maximum storage space.
%exstorage_used_space[_formatted]%Displays the total amount of space used.
%exstorage_free_space[_formatted]%Displays the total amount of free space.
%exstorage_used_percent[_formatted]%Same with used_space, but in percentage.
%exstorage_free_percent[_formatted]%Same with free_space, but in percentage.
%exstorage_quantity[_formatted]_<material-key>%Displays the quantity of the item, -1 if it is not exist.