| exstorage.* | The highest permission. |
/esadmin open %player% | exstorage.command.admin.open | Open and use another player’s storage without any conditions. |
/esadmin space %amount% [player/*] /esadmin addspace %amount% [player/*] | exstorage.command.admin.space | Change the maximum space of the player’s storage (* for all of players). |
/esadmin add %material-key% %amount% [player] | exstorage.command.admin.add | Allows the player to add item quantity to the storage. |
/esadmin subtract %material-key% %amount% [player] | exstorage.command.admin.subtract | Allows the player to subtract item quantity to the storage. |
/esadmin set %material-key% %amount% [player] | exstorage.command.admin.set | Allows the player to set their item quantity in the storage. |
/exstorage withdraw %material-key% [amount] | exstorage.command.player.withdraw | Withdraw items without opening the GUI. |
/esadmin whitelist | exstorage.command.admin.whitelist | Modify the “Whitelist” section in config.yml in-game. Apply changes immediately when adding/removing an item. |
/esadmin reload | exstorage.command.admin.reload | Reload the configurations. |