Commands & Permissions

These commands for players:

Player CommandPermissionDescription
/exstorage helpexstorage.command.player.helpPlayers can see help page.
/exstorage [player]exstorage.command.player.openPlayers can open their storage, or open another player’s storage.
/exstorage toggleexstorage.command.player.togglePlayers can turn on / off the feature if they don’t want to use.
/exstorage filterexstorage.command.player.filterPlayers can open their filter.
/exstorage partner [add/remove/clear][player]exstorage.command.player.partnerPlayers can use the partner feature. Or open a GUI to see who was their partners.
/exstorage sell [%material-key% [amount]]exstorage.command.player.sellPlayers can open the market to sell items that contain in their storage.
/exstorage withdraw %material-key% [amount]exstorage.command.player.withdrawWithdraw items without opening the GUI.

These commands for administrator only:

Admin CommandPermissionDescription
exstorage.*The highest permission.
/esadmin open %player%exstorage.command.admin.openOpen and use another player’s storage without any conditions.
/esadmin space %amount% [player/*]
/esadmin addspace %amount% [player/*]
exstorage.command.admin.spaceChange the maximum space of the player’s storage (* for all of players).
/esadmin add %material-key% %amount% [player]exstorage.command.admin.addAllows the player to add item quantity to the storage.
/esadmin subtract %material-key% %amount% [player]exstorage.command.admin.subtractAllows the player to subtract item quantity to the storage.
/esadmin set %material-key% %amount% [player]exstorage.command.admin.setAllows the player to set their item quantity in the storage.
/exstorage withdraw %material-key% [amount]exstorage.command.player.withdrawWithdraw items without opening the GUI.
/esadmin whitelistexstorage.command.admin.whitelistModify the “Whitelist” section in config.yml in-game. Apply changes immediately when adding/removing an item.
/esadmin reloadexstorage.command.admin.reloadReload the configurations.